When Your Cup’s Half Full, You Don’t Thirst
Is it me or has time zipped past me again? It seems it was only yesterday that ...
January 2008: Property taxes doubled this year with no cap in site. My mother-in-law moved in with us—it was time. The kids are back in college. The sum of 2007 was spent rewriting the second book in my series, THE DEVIL CAN WAIT. The novel is on my publisher’s desk. I’m more grateful for my crit partners than they’ll ever know.
February 2008: Edits begin. Daughter Jessica breaks up with fiancé. She and her miniature Daschund moved back home. She’s not doing well--glad she’s home. Her younger brother helpe
April 2008: Some of my tulips are in bloom, delighted to have warmer weather. Rewrites on my novel are coming along. Two critical e-mails to my editor disappeared in cyber space. Translation: lost two weeks of edits.
May 2008: Daughter moved out and into my in-law’s empty house. Glad she’s ready to start fresh. The contract I signed and mailed to my publisher never arrived. I’m watching the dates--I’m nervous--she assures me all will be fine. Thank God one of us is calm and collected. I shampoo the carpets again.
July 2008: I give up and scan my copy of the contract and e-mail it to my publisher. Three artists seemed interested in doing the cover, none follows through. Glad to know we have other options. I’ve started to make a list of potential reviewers. I’ve started to pace too much and it’s too nice to stay indoors, think I’ll go out and water my flowers.
September 2008: I have a freezer full of harvested vegetables and I processed a bushel for grapes and froze the juice. Began final proofreading of novel. Dang, how did I miss all those typos? Found another artist. The cover is looking great! Received launch date. I’m thrilled but still losing sleep.
October 2008: Crap, found out I miscalculated my son’s financial aid. Too many things on my mind. I’m grateful we’re able to cover the difference. The proofreading on THE DEVIL CAN WAIT is going well. I’m driving my publisher nuts with all the edits, but she’ll love me for this one of these days. The ARCs are in the mail. Yah!
November 2008: The launch date is here. Several great reviews have arrived. I’m relieved. THE DEVIL CAN WAIT book cover is featured as cover of the week on Erin Aislinn site. My event calendar is filling up fast—bookstores and libraries are calling me. Who’da thunk? I just received word that I’ll be doing a virtual book tour next month. I’m humbled by the many generous-hearted friends I’ve met along the way and grateful for my family’s support. It’s Thanksgiving morning and the dishwasher decides to die. Twelve people for dinner today. Words can’t express the joy. I’m grateful for all the capable hands.
December 2008: New dishwasher looks great. The book is doing remarkably well and the cover is now up for the cover of the month vote (voting ends 12/31/08!!). Now that the virtual book tour articles are done, I’m happy to keep up with the readers’ comments and e-mails. It’s cold, but just a light dusting of snow so far. I’m ready to put up the tree. Started my shopping and Christmas card lists—I’ll do them tomorrow. Aside from the head colds, we’re healthy and, yes, still gainfully employed. I’m breathing again. Maybe I’ll make some grape jelly this weekend.
The nursing home called again; dad’s condition hasn’t changed but he’s now in Hospice. I’m grateful that it’s only for the purpose of “planning ahead” but it hasn’t stopped that lump in my throat from forming.
Two days before Christmas, Jessica and Tracy are on break--they've passed their courses with flying colors! Our son told me he has just finished reading SILENCED CRY and was starting to read THE DEVIL CAN WAIT, it must be Christmas! Water pipes broke in the garage from the -28 degree temps and one of the cars has a flat. I refuse to get stressed—we are blessed.
October 2008: Crap, found out I miscalculated my son’s financial aid. Too many things on my mind. I’m grateful we’re able to cover the difference. The proofreading on THE DEVIL CAN WAIT is going well. I’m driving my publisher nuts with all the edits, but she’ll love me for this one of these days. The ARCs are in the mail. Yah!
December 2008: New dishwasher looks great. The book is doing remarkably well and the cover is now up for the cover of the month vote (voting ends 12/31/08!!). Now that the virtual book tour articles are done, I’m happy to keep up with the readers’ comments and e-mails. It’s cold, but just a light dusting of snow so far. I’m ready to put up the tree. Started my shopping and Christmas card lists—I’ll do them tomorrow. Aside from the head colds, we’re healthy and, yes, still gainfully employed. I’m breathing again. Maybe I’ll make some grape jelly this weekend.
The nursing home called again; dad’s condition hasn’t changed but he’s now in Hospice. I’m grateful that it’s only for the purpose of “planning ahead” but it hasn’t stopped that lump in my throat from forming.
Christmas 2008, a wonderful time with family and friends. The dogs finally figured out the “let’s go out” deal. Our property taxes were cut in half, and gas prices are down to $1.40 a gallon. Today we celebrate!
Our family will ring in 2009 at home with good food and wine, movies and board games. We had our share of ups and downs in 2008, but that’s okay. Those stumbling blocks are to life what chilies are to salsa—spice!
I’m grateful for strong family ties, laughs shared with my friends, the lessons from trials and errors, a host of new challenges and opportunities, and the many blessings that came our way. I have no regrets and as I say good bye to 2008 I look forward to what the new year will bring.
Happy New Year to all!
May 2009 bring you peace, happiness, prosperity and a host of blessings.
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Marta Stephens is the author of the Sam Harper Crime Mystery series published by BeWrite Books (UK).
SILENCED CRY (2007) Honorable Mention, 2008 New York Book Festival, Top Ten, 2007 Preditors and Editors Reader Poll (mystery)
SILENCED CRY (2007) Honorable Mention, 2008 New York Book Festival, Top Ten, 2007 Preditors and Editors Reader Poll (mystery)
Check out the author's December 2008 virtual book tour stops at http://mstephens-musings.blogspot.com/2008/12/december-2008-virtual-book-tour-stops.html