So what is going on in the world of books?
1. My book An Unexpected Performance was listed on KBoards Book Discovery site on Tuesday, Feb 3. It looked so good up there - made my day. Hope it translates into sales.
2. I am a part of the Writer Recharge 2015. If you do not know what that is, go here to see.
3. I have listed my upcoming live events on the front page of my website, and if you think you might be able to attend one, please check that out here
4. Podcasts are really fun and mine have sort of taken off all of a sudden. I recently interviewed a proofreader, an adventurer (yes, really, like Indiana Jones adventures!) and will be chatting soon with the publisher from Laurel Rose Publishing. If you haven't subscribed to the YouTube Channel for Writer Groupie, you can do that here
5. And yes, I am writing. I just put Love Inn up for pre-order get yours here -- and have begun the tedious process of outlining a major novel likely the first in a series. Sci-fi. Go figure. I have always said I WOULD never write sci-fi.
Now, what is going on in your world? I hope it is fun!
I'm working on the sequel to my SF novel, Relic Tech, and trying to figure out how to market the Spanish translation of the first novel in my First Civilization's Legacy Series (Flank Hawk). Its Spanish title is: Halcón Flanqueador.
Otherwise, regular life stuff and village council stuff and teaching stuff :)
Thanks for catching us up on your writing life, Kim! I love your books. ;o) And Terry, it's always good to hear from you. Best of luck with your marketing adventure!
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