I am pleased to be invited by Uvi Poznansky, author and artist
extraordinaire, to take part in this delicious blog hop! Uvi Poznansky is a California-based author, poet and artist. “I paint
with my pen,” she says, “and write with my paintbrush.” Uvi writes across a variety of genres: Apart From Love
(contemporary fiction, Rise to Power (historical fiction), A Peek at
Bathsheba (historical fiction), A Favorite Son (biblical fiction), Home
(poetry), Twisted (fantasy) Now I Am Paper (children’s book) and Jess
and Wiggle (children’s book.)
Please stop over
at her blog
to read her scrumptious excerpts from her lovely and diverse novels! Thank you,
Now, come along and see what you think of my taste in wine, food, and
If your main character
were a glass of wine, which one would they be?

Describe your book in one meal:
It started to snow again. Hard. And by the time I had the
tuna sandwiches on and carried them to the table, the view outside was pure
white. The wind howled like a desperate, injured wild animal, making me shiver
and go for my heavier sweatshirt.
Quinn and Sky worked on the fire side by side, almost like
young scouts trying to earn their merit badges.
Oh, God. There was that image again of Sky making the Boy
Scout sign.
In that damned cave.
Where I’d practically attacked him.
Sky nodded and Quinn agreed. “Sure, babe.”
“Want some milk to drink, too? I know we have tea, but…”
Again, they both said yes, thanks, as if I’d offered them
some kind of nectar of the gods.
I glanced at them while I poured the milk. They ate their
sandwiches with gusto. Of course, they both looked like Greek gods, and there
was no way around it. Tonight I’d be swimming in a pool teeming with
testosterone. Or something like that, because there was no way Sky was driving
out of here in the blizzard.
An hour later, I made final cups of tea, finished washing
the dishes, and proposed a game of Scrabble. Quinn got the board out and Sky
stoked the fire. We laid out the letter trays on the dining room table near the
stove. I shook the velvet bag to mix up the letters. “Go ahead, Sky. You pick
He dug into the bag and brandished his letter. “B,” he said.
Quinn nodded in approval. “Good one. You’ll probably go
I held the bag out to Quinn. “Go ahead, honey.”
Quinn reached inside, stirred the tiles with his long
fingers, and pulled out his trophy. With one eyebrow in the air, he pronounced,
“Oh, weird. I’ve got a B, too.”
I looked from Sky to Quinn, pulling my own tile out of the
bag. “X.”
Quinn shot me a half-smile. “You’ve gotta choose then,
Marcella. Pick between us. Who goes first?”
I sat glued to the chair, looking between them. What had my
life come down to, when even playing a simple game I froze trying to choose
between them. I was ridiculously aware of the appalling parallel. “I can’t
pick. Go again.” I held up the bag.
Sky put up a hand. “That’s silly. Quinn can go first.”
Quinn disagreed. “No. You’re the guest. You go first.”
I shook the bag and laughed. “Okay, this is crazy. I’ll go
first. We’ll go counterclockwise. Me, Sky, Quinn. Now pick your seven letters.”
We’d been at it for about forty-five minutes, and I was
staring in disbelief at all the horrible letters on my tray, when the phone
rang. I jumped up, glad for an excuse to get out of my turn. “Go ahead, guys,
just skip me.”
What candy would your
book be?
What does your book
smell like?
My characters are in love with essential oils.
Here’s one section that definitely applies!
I saw him now—clearly. He stood in the doorway with Dak on a
taut leash. Quinn’s eyes almost glowed in that early morning light, intense
against his dark smooth skin. His strong jaw was set, determined. His glossy
dark hair fell over his shoulders, and on his open-necked denim shirt the turquoise
bolo—the one that matched his lovely eyes—lay flat on his chest.
I sat up. “Quinn?”
As if he’d seen an angel appear out of the darkness, Quinn’s
face came alive. He and Dak ran to me, all legs and arms and flapping furry
tail. I had no wires attached, so they tumbled onto the bed with me. I was
kissed and licked and hugged and snuggled by man and canine. The whole thing
made me laugh so hard and so long that I couldn’t breathe, almost like a
tickle-fest from childhood.
“Babe.” His eyes caught mine and searched them. “You’re
I leaned forward to kiss his soft lips. “Yeah. Hi.”
“Hi, yourself.” He stretched out on one side of me and Dak
curled at the bottom of the bed. “Oh, Marcella.” His voice grew hoarse with
emotion. “I’ve missed you so much.”
I breathed in the scent of him, the comforting, familiar,
and oh-so-lovely scent of my man. I got a wisp of something else, too. Maybe
I sat up. “Where are my oils? I need them. I need my
He leaned over and opened the drawer in the little table
beside me. “Here you go. We kept them near you. But the docs wouldn’t let us
touch you until you were ready to see us.” He lowered his eyes. “Maybe I should
have fought it. I wanted to hold you and kiss you and slather you with the
I put a finger to his lips. “It’s okay. They did what they
thought best. Maybe I needed a timeout, who knows.”
His eyes met mine, probing. “Not surprising, after all you
went through, babe. But are you gonna be okay now?”
I hugged him tight, rubbing my hands on his back in small
circles. “Yes. Now give me some of that Frankincense. I want to douse myself in
He turned sideways and plucked the red-labeled bottle from
the drawer. “Here you go.”
I uncapped it and drew in a greedy breath full of the aroma.
A woodsy, warm, heady scent filled the room, elevating me with feelings of hope
and well-being. “Oh, that’s so good.”
We shared the oil, rubbing it on our temples and the back of
our necks, then lay on the bed unspeaking, just holding each other.
Your book’s snack
would be:
Tangy, sweet Honeycrisp
apples and sharp cheddar cheese made in New York State.
Describe your most
memorable meal:
Sometimes, simple is just so good, right?
Here’s a nice meal prepared for Marcella by her former lover, Sky Lissoneau.
I looked at him. His jeans fit well, worn at the bottoms and
snug around his hips. He wore an old green and black flannel shirt that
complemented his eyes. In a flash, the old memories invaded my brain again. Sky
and me together at the State Fair. Our first kiss. Our first time in his
parents’ pontoon boat. The rocking waves. The way he took such exquisite care
of me, my body, my needs.
He dumped the bags on the kitchen counter, putting some away
and keeping some items out on the shelf. “Quinn’s not coming back?”
I shook my head. “He didn’t come up this time.”
He stole a sideways glance, now obviously curious.
“Okay…Well, I’ll cook the steaks if you want. No need for both of us to eat
So, he still didn’t have a girlfriend to eat dinner with?
It seemed impossible. Sky is a gorgeous man with a big stout
heart and plenty of love to share. Sure, he could be brooding at times, and
he’d work himself to death if someone didn’t drag him out of his lab most days,
but he was a real catch. Especially up here in the wilderness where there
weren’t many young single men around.
I started to unpack the food I’d brought in from the van
earlier, stowing the fish in the freezer and the apples in the crisper. I
turned the refrigerator’s cold setting from low to medium, and checked the
cabinets. We’d really cleaned them out last fall before we closed Tall Pines
for the winter. It was slim pickins. Some canned goods. Stale coffee. Steak
sauce. Powdered creamer. A jar of spaghetti sauce. A bottle of olive oil and
some seasonings. I’d definitely have to go shopping in the morning.
I filled a bowl with water for Dak and poured his kibble
into another dish. “There you go, sweetie.”
With big tail wagging, my pal slurped some water and began
to devour his supper.
“He’s grown a lot in six months,” Sky said, looking up from
the frying pan. He’d begun to sauté mushrooms and onions in butter, and it
smelled fantastic.
I leaned down to pat Dak, ruffling his glossy, long fur. “He
has. He gained another seven pounds. He still thinks he’s a lap dog, though.”
“Don’t they all?” He grinned and added the steaks to the
pan. “I don’t know how you feel about nuked potatoes, but if we wait for them
to bake we’ll probably starve to death. At least I will,” he winked. “I skipped
I realized I had, too. My stomach rumbled as if in
agreement. I laughed and covered my mouth. “Oh, me, too. I’ll just pop ‘em in
the microwave, and we can bake them for the last few minutes. Maybe it’ll crisp
up the skins?”
He’d already ripped open a package of Boston lettuce and
begun to rinse it under the faucet. “If you want to, you can chop the pepper,
tomatoes, and cucumbers.”
“Sure.” I closed the microwave, set it to ten minutes, and
selected a knife from the box. I slid a cutting board down from the hook on the
wall and grabbed a yellow pepper.
In silence, we stood side by side preparing the salad. When
the bowl was full, the steaks were just about ready. I took out the potatoes,
wishing I’d thrown them in the oven before he arrived. They weren’t very crispy.
We filled our plates and sat in the now warm dining area.
Dak settled on the floor at my feet, and I glanced at Sky across the table.
Before he picked up his fork, he reached for my hand,
catching my eyes with his. “Okay. So are you gonna tell me what’s going on
I slumped in my seat feeling lost, yet aching to spill my
guts. “I guess.” Mechanically, I picked up my fork and started to carve a piece
of steak, dipping it in the A1 sauce I’d miraculously found in the cabinet. Maybe if I concentrate on the dinner, I
won’t fall apart.
He leaned forward. “So? Where is he? Where’s Quinn?”
It wasn’t going to work. My face crumpled and my voice
hitched. “I…I left him.”
Sky’s eyes widened, staring at me intently. “You what?”
“We’re having some issues. I needed to be alone.”
He put a huge chunk of butter on his potato, smearing it
around with his fork. With deliberately slow motions, he asked, “Is this about
the baby? Callie told me you had to give her up today.”
I nodded, not trusting my voice. Instead, I took a drink of
sweet well water.
“I’m really sorry about Kimi. I know it must’ve hurt like
hell,” he said.
I nodded and chewed, not trusting my voice.
“Are you officially separated?”
I spoke in a tiny voice I barely recognized as my own. “I
don’t know what we are. I just need time away. To think. To try to get over
“I’m sorry, Marcie. I thought you guys were pretty solid.”
“We are. I mean, we were.”
“Do you think you’ll patch things up?”
I hung my head. “Honestly? I don’t know.”
One food word to describe
your writing style:
What will someone find
you eating/drinking when you’re really into a good book?
Slices of dill Havarti cheese, tart Snap
Dragon apples, and a glass of good Riesling.
Sweet or Salty?
That’s a tough call, for I love eclairs as
much as Marcella does in the Tall Pines Mysteries, but I also love Cheesits!
Thank you so much for
following along with our blog hop! Please check out these authors who will be
taking part in the near future.
- Barb Caffrey, author
of the An Elfy on the Loose. You can check it out, here.
- Dina Von Lowenkraft, author of Dragon Fire. Come on over to Amazon to take a look!
- Maria DeVivo, author of The Coal Elf, found here.
1 comment:
What a delicious post!
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