Thursday, March 11, 2010


You guys, I almost forgot to post today! I know it's so lame, but my job is getting in the way of a lot of stuff right now, like getting online, using my cell phone, etc. The management has decided to increase productivity by taking away some privileges and like spoiled children, we are not very happy.

SO! To get on with this post... I am going to my very first Sci-Fi/Fantasy Con this weekend, and I am sooo excited! It is being held about three miles from my house, so there will be no need for travel expenses, hotel fees, etc. etc. ad nauseum. I will be able to go and stay for the whole tamale. How's that for fun stuff???

If you are interested in knowing where I am going to be, it is here : MidSouthCon and I will definitely be sharing my experiences with you in days to come. everyone wants to know about the masquerade, the workshops, panels, and fun, right?


Harvee44 said...

Horribe you can't use your cell phone! Can you use the office phone?

Marta Stephens said...

I'll be a writer's workshop this weekend too right here in town--Midwest Writers Workshop. We'll have to compare notes later.

Aaron Paul Lazar said...

Hope you two ladies have a ball!!!

s.w. vaughn said...

Woo hoo! Have an awesome time!!

Man, I wish somebody would do a writing con in Oswego (haha - yeah, right :P)