
Thursday, January 7, 2010

A tourin' we will go


Tour?? No, not that kind of TOUR! BOOK TOUR!
I am on day four of my book tour with Buried Angel, over here at Blogging Authors .

Book tours are sometimes a few days, a week or longer, or like mine, an entire month. You have places to post articles, interviews, information about your book, and yourself. It’s really a lot of fun and you can meet a lot of new people.

Making friends, influencing people, that is a writer’s life, right?

As a radio show hostess, one thing I know from my guests and my own experience is how much promotion means to the sale of a new book. It is vital. You just cannot put the title out there often enough. The title, the information about the making of the book, and tidbits about yourself, the author, are all things readers are starving for.

If you put the items people want to know out there in a fun and interesting way, you will have new friends, fans, and readers overnight.

I have the entire month sprawling before me and I will be all over the Internet. Be sure to check my website for stops and come and visit me and leave a comment. I am doing a few giveaways for lucky persons who comment so join in, won’t you?

Kim Smith is the author of the zany Shannon Wallace Mysteries. Buried Angel will be released on January 14, 2010 from Red Rose Publishing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. After a month of touring, you're gonna need a week of sleep! :-) Good luck and have fun, and I'll stop around to check you out!

  3. Kim, I wish you the very best on your tour. I did a month long tour for Tremolo, too, and it was wonderful, but exhausting. Now you've made me feel terribly guilty for not getting my Mazurka tour going! Damn, I'm just having too much fun writing my current WIP to stop! LOL!

  4. it's probably what Carroll intended--though with Carroll, there's always that little bit of sardine down in the corner of the can that you can't get out.)

    Work from home India
