
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teaser Thursday

If you are like many in the US today, you are focused on being bundled up and warm. If you are sitting home, wrapped in your blankie, here is something to do with that book you are nestled in with.

I took this idea from :
As the Pages Turn
Thanks to the bloggers at this site for a great idea!

· Grab your current read.
· Let the book fall open to a random page.
· Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
· You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
· Please avoid spoilers!

My two (2) “teaser” sentences for today:

From: Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke

She was about to go to the keypad to activate the system when she had a brilliant dea. The moment she thought of it, she jumped up and rummaged through the closet for her camera.

This book has been very entertaining to read thus far. The author has a great command of the written word and makes you see, smell, hear, and feel everything going on in the scene. I guess I sort of feel like I can learn from this author, so I am truly enveloped in this book. It’s a little bit longer read, 412 pages, but some of those pages are recipes the author puts in for you since her series is all about baking cookies!

So get busy you guys! I wanna hear what you are reading, and what your “teasers” are.
Have FUN!


  1. Oh, this IS a fun idea! :-)

    Here's my contribution...

    From Demon Bound by Meljean Brook:

    His grin flashed over his lips, then faded as he said, "Michael has been hiding what he knows about Zakril and the temples."


    "Yeah, I prefer to fuck up on my own, too."

  2. Whoops. You didn't want two sentences in a row, did you? LOL

  3. I probably didn't follow the rules right, but here are a couple of sentences I loved from Avenging Angel by Kim Smith, which I just finished. ;o)

    "The silence bore down on me like a blanket, smothering and dark. I walked forward, and turned on the small lamp on the end table at the end of Rick’s sofa."

    "Like smoke in a breeze, whatever passed between us vanished as quickly as it had come."

  4. *blush* awww... thanks Aaron. I am so glad you enjoyed the book. I hope everyone does!

  5. I bought Avenging Angels and now need to find those lines. They're wonderful!!!

    Will have to wait until I get home to post. :( Later tater.

  6. You guys ROCK!! I just found out today that Michael Boatman is a famous actor (he was just on Criminal minds) and his book is number one on the mainstream fiction site at RRP and mine is number TWO!!!

  7. Congratulations, Kim! Woo Hoo!
