
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Book Review for DIVIDE BY ZERO by Sheila Deeth

Hi, folks.

From time to time here on Murderby4 we like to share reviews of books by authors we appreciate. Sometimes they are murder mysteries, sometimes taut thrillers. Today I've departed a bit to share a very different type of novel, written by Sheila Deeth. See what you think? I'd love to read your comments below. 

Have a happy Easter weekend and God bless!

- Aaron Paul Lazar

Divide by Zero by Sheila Deeth offers a unique perspective on community. Like a human patchwork quilt, this dramatic family novel provides intimate glimpses into the minds of dozens of characters. Some are sweet and submissive, like Mary. Others obsess over with “not being their fathers” (abusers), and end up fighting genetics their entire lives, like Peter. And yet others are innocent children, like the autistic girl Amelia, who appears in the last third of the book. Of all the characters, my favorite was the white cat, Garnet. Mystical and fundamental to the plot(s), she was quite endearing.

LOOK OUT FOR THE SEQUEL, INFINITE SUMAs a writer, I have never undertaken presenting so many points of view in one story. I marveled at how well Ms. Deeth told each distinctly different story with such authenticity.

There were moments of pure poetry within the pages. Here are a few of my favorite passages:

When speaking about a classroom, she wrote:

Sounds washed the room like paint brushes in water, muted with background blue, giving shade but no texture.

Here’s a passage from the autistic girl’s mind:

Amelia stretched her arms to feel the touch of air and drifting cobwebs, bark-dust singing, butterfly wings. Red sunshine warmed the lids of her closed eyes as she started to spin. Her feet scuffed earth, where stones or skeletons of leaves slipped into socks and caught between her toes. She moved as fast as thought while the air, pine-scented, grew earthy and cloudy, scratching in her throat till she fell down.

Like ripples in a pond, as events unfold—mundane or horrific—they propagate and touch every individual in unique and extraordinary ways.

This is not a book you will zoom through. It's not a page turner, or high action suspense. I actually read it slowly, over the course of several months. Beware, you may be lulled into a false sense of security by the vignettes that show each character undergoing his or her unique trials. But I guarantee you will never forget the characters or the horrific act that takes place very near the end of the story, and the spider web of connectivity that draws all characters into the human fabric of the tale.

Recommended by Aaron Paul Lazar, award-winning author at

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just hopping by... wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Easter...

Monday, March 25, 2013

© Lisa Black, 2013 all rights reserved

It's a great pleasure to welcome Lisa Black as to Murder By 4. Lisa spent the five happiest years of her life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office she analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now she’s a certified latent print examiner and CSI for the Cape Coral Police Department. Her books have been translated into six languages. Evidence of Murder reached the NYT mass market bestseller’s list.


            Don’t get me wrong, I love to redecorate a room or try a new hairstyle as much as the next girl. But when it comes to writing, I hate change.
            You know how it is—the buts. Your sister/critique group/agent/editor says, “I love it, but—” and you know whatever comes next will mean a) that you have to part with something you liked enough to write in the first place and b) more work. I really hate a), and I hate b) even more.
            Like most writers, I suspect, I can become deeply conflicted over the writing process. I love a book until I put the last word on the last page, at which point I instantly become convinced that it stinks and no one will ever want to read it. Not only that, but after spending five or six or seven months with the thing, I’m sick of it. I don’t want to look at it again, much less revise. It’s not so much that my ego can’t take it, that I believe every golden word I put on the page is perfect and irreproachable. It’s just that I’m lazy.
            I have, however, gotten used to it. I didn’t have much of a choice.
In the case of my first published book, Trace Evidence, my agent took me on in April. She suggested changes. I made them, we went back and forth and finally hashed everything out so that I could mail her a final, final version—on Christmas Eve. Eight months. Then the publisher bought it (yay) and the editor sent me an eight-page, single-spaced letter of changes to be made (not so yay).
I had to completely change my villain. I had designed a serial killer whose urges grew out of a childhood obsession with both his fish tank and the little girl next door. This villain also had nothing to do with my main character’s life and so I had scenes from his point of view, simply to introduce him and give readers some insight into his twisted thought processes. I felt particularly pleased with one scene, in which he sat in his living room in front of a fireplace letting his mind wander to his younger days and his job, with everything sounding quite innocuous until the end. The character thinks to himself that he really needs to get going, he had a lot to do, period, new paragraph. For starters, that girl was still in the basement.
            I thought that was really creepy.
            But apparently scenes from the killer’s point of view are cliché…which, okay, maybe they are but without them I was left with a villain who came out of the woodwork at the end of the book with no particular motivation. So I had to turn him into a completely different person, who seemed contrived and utterly cliché to me but satisfied the editor.
            I don’t mind changes, really—I can pick up any book I’ve written, after it’s gone through countless rewrites, and still find sentences I wish I’d edited differently. And I quickly learned that eight pages or even eight months wasn’t so bad. The next book I wrote, they told me to throw out and write something else. Super not so yay.
            The next few books went all right, back to numerous but relatively small edits; then I wrote another one that my agent nixed before a publisher ever saw it. Meth addicts did not make for sympathetic victims, she said. So I threw it out and wrote the standard deranged serial killer who preys on a beautiful young woman…or at least that’s what it looks like at first. But the meth lab book, I am happy to say, found at sympathetic ear in my new agent and it should be released in 2014.
            But in the meantime I had written the one after that, to be released April 1—Blunt Impact. I originally wrote how a severely disadvantaged little girl is roaming through a construction site in the wee hours of the morning and witnesses a murder. But the editor at my former publishing house said the story was good but—the girl’s life was too bleak. Could I make her more middle-class? I pointed out that a middle-class child, one hoped, would likely not be wandering through downtown Cleveland at 3 a.m.  I thought the systems this child had designed to survive in her harsh environment were the most interesting parts of the book—without it, I had just an average murder mystery. I tried to soften the Precious–type mother a bit.  No go. I wound up rewriting the entire character and her family. It lost that uniqueness, and I regret that, but in many ways it turned out better because the crime became more personal, and the killer gets closer to the girl in ever creepier and more nerve-wracking ways.
            And my love-hate relationship with revising marches on.


Blunt Impact will be available April 1, featuring forensic scientist Theresa MacLean and a series of murders surrounding a skyscraper under construction in downtown Cleveland. The first to die is young, sexy concrete worker Samantha, thrown from the 23rd floor. The only witness is her 11 year old daughter Anna, nicknamed Ghost. Ghost will stop at nothing to find her mother’s killer, and Theresa will stop at nothing to keep Ghost safe.
Also, Kindle owners can find a bargain in my new book The Prague Project, written under the name Beth Cheylan. A death in West Virginia sends FBI agent Ellie Gardner and NYPD Counterterrorism lieutenant Michael Stewart on a chase across Europe as they track stolen nukes and lost Nazi gold, hoping to avert the death of millions of people. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Podcasts, what on earth is THAT?

It would seem that in today's techy world, someone would make podcasting easy. I haven't found anything yet, but I am still looking.

Whoa. Let me back up. What is podcasting, you may ask? According to my friend, Wikipedia, it is:

...a series of audio radiovideoPDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device. The word is a neologism derived from "broadcast" and "pod" from the success of the iPod, as podcasts are often listened to on portable media players. In the context of Apple devices, the term "Podcasts" refers to the audio and video version of podcasts, whereas the textual version of podcasts are classified under the app known as Newsstand.

Oh. Okay then.

Back to my post. It would seem that in today's techy world, someone would make the whole idea of podcasting easier. Listeners love it, and some of us really do enjoy doing them.

I have found many archived poddies including mine, Introducing Writers where there is my great  Interview with Stephen Zimmer, author of The Exodus Gate. Stephen will be at Mid South Con this weekend in Memphis, if any of you are going to be around. I will try to make the Sunday workshops. I can't do more as I have a mix and mingle of my own at a local library. You can find more about that here, at my author page, 

Back to my post...(sheesh, I am rambling today!)

But BTR, BlogtalkRadio, was so time consuming, I just had to give it up. Now I cannot find another way to continue doing this fun thing without special microphones and mixers etc.

If any of you Murderers knows of a good thing going on, please do let me know.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Are We All Murderers?

Hi, folks.

When Kim Smith, our infamous Murderby4 cozy mystery author calls the followers of this blog "my fellow murderers," I often smile. Today I thought about the subject a bit more, and I'd like to discuss it with you.

Okay. So we write murder mysteries. Lots of folks do.

Does that make us all murderers? Or potential murderers? Maybe it does. We do concoct some really elaborate plans to kill people. Sometimes they are brilliant, right? And we're very proud of those twisted, diabolical plots, aren't we?

Think about it. We murder our characters. We enable such foul deeds that in real life it would make you shudder.

Sometimes we invade the minds of our killers and it gets really creepy in there, doesn't it? We let them think nasty, horrible thoughts. We allow the villains to dream about killing the person they're obsessed with... and I hate to admit it, but it can be really fun in a sick sort of way.

If you knew me in real life, you'd probably say I was a gentle sort of nice guy. A true family man who loves his wife, kids, grandkids, animals, and gardens with passion.

But what about that killer who lurks inside?

Man, it's a little scary. Heck, I scare myself.

I still can't believe I got inside the head of a serial killer in HEALEY'S CAVE, and had fun doing it...

Okay, so how do you feel when you write about murder? How do you feel when you're inside your killer's head? Let us know below. We'd love to hear from you!

By the way, Happy St. Patty's Day! Hmmm, maybe we should have a murder in green today. Has anyone written a book yet called The St. Patrick's Day Murders? Sounds good to me!

Have fun and remember to write like the wind!

Aaron Paul Lazar

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What makes a good suspense novel?

I know I am wrongly phrasing this, but to me, a mystery is eating dinner with someone you don't know. You have to spend time with them to learn about their tendency to steal small dishes from restaurants.
So a mystery has a lot of elements to it.

And to rephrase someone else's thought: a suspense is when you discover a bag under the table where you are eating and a  thriller is discovering that the bomb inside the bag is ticking.

So what makes a good suspense?

Characters that we care about mostly. We have to invest in the story people and the life they are struggling with before the suspenseful things that happen to them make us sit up and notice. A good example would be the character of Daniel Silva's stories, Gabriel Allon. He is a master art restorer, and an assassin. Good combo, huh?

 Secondly, I would have to say the events in the story. I love a good action suspense where everything is moving toward a deadly and urgent conclusion.

"The grip on my neck intensified, cutting off some of the blood flow to my brain. The vampire spoke.".... from Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia

What do think, Murderers? Would you say suspense is the bag, or the bomb?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Building Bad Guys in Thrillers

(Warning: This post contains one instance of the f-word.)

One of the most essential ingredients for a great thriller is a great villain. But how do you write one? What's the thriller formula for an awesome bad guy? The good news is -- there isn't one. Villains can, and should, be just as varying and complex as heroes...and sometimes, the "villain" can even be the protagonist.

But I won't go into anti-heroes right now. Today, I'm talking about villains -- the best kind, the ones you know are going to lose by the end of the book, but you really don't want them to.

It can't be said enough: Your thriller bad guy needs to have a real motive that is personally important to him or her, and makes plausible sense in the world of your story. It's often said that every character is the hero of their own story, and nowhere should this ring more true than with your villain. If you've got one that is evil for the sake of being evil -- with rare exception, you should probably reexamine the character and look for something stronger.

Here's my caveat to this often-repeated advice, though. Villains who are evil "just because" CAN work. What you need, in place of strong motive (however twisted it may be), is extraordinary characterization. The Totally Evil Villain who is also charming, sophisticated, has a lovely singing voice, or rescues puppies on the weekend, can be a compelling character -- but this villain must be larger than life, and able to command complete attention whenever he walks onto your pages.

Here are a few shining examples of literary baddies you may want to study (note: portions of this post have been excerpted from my guest post last week on Big Al's Books and Pals, "Awesome Bad Guys in Books").

Hannibal Lecter
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris

Just about everyone’s familiar with this suave, fiercely intelligent psychologist-slash-cannibal. The unofficial hero of Thomas Harris’ series, Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter is at once a gentleman and a psycho.

His traumatic childhood is explored in Hannibal Rising—but I mentioned Red Dragon because it’s the first appearance of Lecter, and the book also contains two awesome villains for the price of one. Francis Dolarhyde, the serial killer that Lecter “helps” former FBI agent Will Graham hunt down, is so sympathetic and well-realized that you may almost want to cry at his unavoidable defeat. But only almost.

Gretchen Lowell
Heartsick by Chelsea Cain

This female serial killer is one screwed-up woman. Gretchen Lowell tortured countless victims to death, before one of them got away—or maybe she let him go. The escapee, Archie Sheridan, is a cop, and the novel opens with Gretchen behind bars and Archie forced to ask her for help with a serial killer who’s murdering teenage girls. Gretchen is shades of Hannibal Lecter turned femme fatale, and Heartsick makes for fantastic reading.

Captain James Hook
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

(Okay, so Peter Pan isn't a thriller. But it's still got one of the best villains in literature!)

The original gentleman pirate, Captain Hook is a highly sympathetic villain in all of his incarnations, from the original text of Peter Pan to the Broadway shows and various movie versions of this beloved children’s classic. Think about it…the kid cut off his hand, and forced him into an eternal cat-and-mouse game with a giant alligator.

If you’ve never read the original Peter Pan, it’s definitely worth your time—especially any scene with the charmingly wicked Hook, who is in Barrie’s words, “never more sinister than when he was most polite.”

Of course, I happen to think that my villains are pretty cool too, though I might have a slight bias. But I’m thrilled to have heard from quite a few readers who think that Jenner, my recurring bad guy in the House Phoenix series, is terrifying.

The first book in the series, Broken Angel, is about Gabriel Morgan, a young man who’s held prisoner by a secret society of underground fighters and forced to fight in a ring with no rules to save his sister’s life. Here’s his first encounter with Jenner, who serves as an enforcer for the man who’s holding Gabriel:

“Don’t touch me.” The demand emerged a moan. Gabriel backed away and searched the room in desperation, seeking escape.

“Do not flatter yourself, boy,” Jenner said in a brittle tone capable of crushing diamonds. “I have no such intentions.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I have not yet decided.”

Jenner moved into the light, and what had seemed like a dress in shadow proved to be an Asian costume—Chinese or Japanese, he wasn’t sure which. Simple clasps held together a long jacket of pale gray silk. Black piping trimmed the sleeves, the straight collar, and the edges of the garment. Flowing pants matched the jacket. Yet Jenner’s aquiline nose and swarthy complexion marked him as East Indian, not Asian.

His hair was gray, the color of brushed steel—an old man, but the hair was the only indication of age. He was sinewy rather than gaunt. Not wizened or wrinkled, but grizzled and hard. And his eyes were pale circles of smoked glass. Glittering gray, like the rest of him. How could an Indian have gray eyes?

The cold glint in those eyes bound Gabriel more effectively than any rope. He couldn’t move.

“Your determination is admirable,” Jenner said. “Few would expend such effort to locate a mere sibling. Do you truly love your sister that much?”

“None of your business.” Anger broke the spell of Jenner’s gaze. In this snake’s mouth, a reference to Lillith sounded blasphemous.

“A shame.” Jenner placed the object he held on the floor. It was a black satchel, a doctor’s bag. “What did you intend to do when you found her, little guardian angel? Help her find a job, perhaps an apartment? It is far too late for that.”

“I...she needs me.”

“Did you ever consider that she might not want your help?”

Disgust twisted his stomach. “Lillith isn’t like you people. She wouldn’t have become a...prostitute on her own. She has a good heart.”

Jenner sneered. “While your sister’s clients do appreciate her many attributes, I am not certain her heart is high on their lists.”

“Fuck you!”

“I thought you were not interested in such activities, angel. You requested not to be touched.” Jenner’s hand slid inside his robe and reappeared gripping what looked like a collapsible radio antenna. He extended it with a flick of his wrist, and waved it at him in an almost dismissive gesture.

Pain flared across Gabriel’s face. He flinched back with a strangled oath.

“Your language is appalling.” Jenner collapsed the antenna. “Apologize.” 

Now it's your turn... tell us what makes your villain awesome!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

For Writers: Writing Guides you can Listen to! (free to first five reviewers!)

Hi, folks.

I have meant to let you know about these guides for a while... They are the new WRITE LIKE THE WIND eBook and audio book series - a collection of all my writing articles and blogs over the past seven years.

I've had fun with the audio books and found a really cool narrator (a full time actor!) who truly reads the books exactly as I "hear" the words in my head. Can you imagine that?

He's amazing! His name is George Kuch. If you want to listen to a sample, you can hear some from volume 1 here and volume 2 here. Volume 3 is almost ready to go at

Have you ever listened to audio books? These are on sale (if you join Audible) for $3.61 each, or $6.95 ea. if you are a non-member, and they are about 2-3 hours listening time. Really fun stuff - I tried to include some humor in them as well as stories about my own writer's life - some humbling things as well, LOL.

And let me warn you... After you listen to these three volumes, you may well learn FAR more about me than you ever should know...

Meanwhile, you might pick up some encouragement, inspiration, writing tips, and suggestions on how to deal with rejection, etc. The guides are a true potpourri of writing life topics.
If you have time to listen to the samples, let me know what you think about my new narrator. Women have called his voice "yummy" and "sexy," but from a guy's POV I think it is warm and soothing and great to listen to. What do you think?

I'm offering these audiobooks FREE to the first five readers/writers who will listen and post a honest review on

I will "gift" these to you through your email, and you can listen on the app on your smart phone, iPad, PC, laptop, etc.

I hope you all have a great Sunday and rest of the week!

Best to all,


Twilight Times Books by multi-award winning, Kindle bestselling author, Aaron Lazar:

DOUBLE FORTÉ (print, eBook, audio book)
UPSTAGED (print, eBook, audio book)
MAZURKA (print, eBook, audio book)
FIRESONG (print, eBook, audio book)
VIRTUOSO (~2014)

HEALEY'S CAVE (print, eBook, audio book)
FOR KEEPS (print, eBook, audio book)

FOR THE BIRDS (print, eBook, audio book coming 2013)
ESSENTIALLY YOURS (print, eBook, audio book coming 2013)


WRITE LIKE THE WIND, volumes 1, 2, 3 (ebooks and audio books)

Aaron Paul Lazar writes to soothe his soul. An award-winning, bestselling Kindle author of three addictive mystery series, Aaron enjoys the Genesee Valley countryside in upstate New York, where his characters embrace life, play with their dogs and grandkids, grow sumptuous gardens, and chase bad guys. Visit his website at and watch for his upcoming Twilight Times Books releases, DON’T LET THE WIND CATCH YOU (2013) and SANCTUARY (2013).

FINALIST 2013 EPIC Book Awards * WINNER 2011 EPIC Book Awards, BEST Paranormal * FINALIST 2011 FOREWORD BOOK AWARDS * WINNER 2011 Eric Hoffer BEST Book, COMMERCIAL FICTION * 2X FINALIST Global eBook Awards 2011 * Preditors & Editors Readers Choice Award – 2nd place 2011* Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s Top 10 Books of 2012 * Winner of Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s 9th Annual Noble (Not Nobel!) Prize for Literature 2011 * Finalist Allbooks Editor’s Choice Awards 2011 * Preditors&Editors Top 10 FinalistYolanda Renée's Top Ten Books 2008 * MYSHELF Top Ten Reads 2008 * Writer’s Digest Top 101 Website Award 2009-2012

Thursday, March 7, 2013

On the fly

So sorry to be missing this week, lovely Murderers. I am on the fly as it were. There are so many things to attend to these days! I have to prepare for a Mix and Mingle at a local library on the 23rd, and I am editing TWO books! whew.

I will try to catch up with some great writing tips, or terms, or like that kinda stuff next time.

Until then, go out and kill someone... ---- in your writing, of course! *grin*

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

FIRE IT UP! Get Your Free Kindle Book Starting Today

I’m giving away Broken Angel free on Amazon, today through Saturday, March 9. If you’d like to skip reading this post and get straight to the free book, here ya go…

Broken Angel FREE on Amazon US

Broken Angel FREE on Amazon UK

So! After two long months of plotting and scheming, I can finally launch my plan for world domination – er, give away Broken Angel for free! It’s a long story, and I’ll spare you the details, but…I’ve been waiting two years to be able to do this. :-)

In case you arrived here from a search engine and you’re thinking, “What is Broken Angel, and why should I care?”, it’s Book One in the House Phoenix thriller series.

Gabriel is lost...

Drawn into the New York City underground in search of his missing sister, Gabriel Morgan is running out of money, options--and hope. Until a brawl in the basement of a seedy Brooklyn bar drags him deeper into the shadows than he's ever been.

Gabriel is found...

By the leader of a secret society of underground fighters, who operates a network of vicious, no-holds-barred matches where millions change hands. They have no rules. No limits. And they have Gabriel's sister.

Gabriel is broken...

Taken prisoner and forced to join the organization, Gabriel undergoes a brutal training program in preparation for the ring. To earn his sister's freedom, and his own, he'll submit outwardly to the demands of his captors and take the new name they give him--while in secret, he plans a daring revenge that will either shake the society to its twisted roots...or seal his own deadly fate.

Gabriel is Angel.

And when Angel fights, he'll do anything to win. Because the price for losing is his sister's life.

Also, while I’m sure you’ll really want to take my word that it’s a good story, here are a few words from other people about it:

Praise for the suspense thriller Broken Angel: Book One in the House Phoenix series

"This book was truly magnificent. I could smell the sweat and blood in the ring. Hear the jeers of the audience, and feel the crunch of bone beneath my fist. Vaughn is very good at pulling out the details with stark words and feelings."
--Jessie Potts, USA Today reviewer (excerpted from Bitten By Books review)

"'Broken Angel' is an unrelenting, and exciting, excursion into the depths of criminal underworld darkness with liberal doses of physical and psychological torture. It is not for the faint of heart, but should easily satisfy even the most fervent fans of action oriented entertainment."
--K. Harris, top Amazon reviewer

"One to re-read on those nights when you're looking for a truly good read."
--Alternative-Read Reviews

"What can I's a testosterone-fueled blood bath, and I loved it."
--Janelle, You Gotta Read Reviews

One more thing! If you grab a copy of Broken Angel, you’ll be helping me reach my insane and utterly impossible goal of giving away one million copies of this book in five days. So rush over and grab your free thriller that doesn’t suck and you’ll probably like as long as you’re not really squeamish! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies (especially if they’re squeamish)!

Here are the links again, so you don’t have to scroll all the way back up if you made it this far:

Broken Angel FREE on Amazon US

Broken Angel FREE on Amazon UK

P.S. Tell me what movie I’m referencing in the first part of the title of this post, and you WIN THE INTERNET. (Hint: It’s one of my favorites, which can be found on my About page)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Read an eBook Week, March 3-9th 2013

Hi, folks.

In honor of Read an eBook Week, a few of my mysteries are going to be available as free downloads through my publisher's website, starting today! 

You can download my European mystery/suspense MAZURKA today in all formats. This offer is good through March 9th. ;o) 
--> -->

Join Gus and Camille LeGarde as they chase down a family secret with the potential to change European history. When Gus's brother-in-law is framed for a neo-Nazi’s murder, the couple is plunged into a cat-and-mouse game where the stakes are lethal and the future of Europe hangs in the balance.

SAVE THE DATE: You can download DOUBLE FORTE', the acclaimed first book in the LeGarde Mystery series on MARCH 4th. Just scroll down on the TTB website and click on the type of formatting you want to receive.

Gus LeGarde’s life essentially ended four years ago, when his beloved wife leapt to her death. Today, Gus lavishes love on his family, trying to bury the pain. But trouble arrives when his arrogant son-in-law’s business partner goes missing, and Gus’s innocent friend is set up to take the fall.

I hope you can take advantage of these freebies!

There are more great books available this week, too. 

The following titles will be offered as free giveaways via the Twilight Times Books website during Read an E-Book Week, March 3-9, 2013.

Behold the Eyes of Light by Geoff Geauterre
Book Reviewers Talk about their Craft by Mayra Calvani
Death on Delivery by Anne K. Edwards
Double Forté  by Aaron Paul Lazar
How I Wrote My First Book: the story behind the story by Anne K. Edwards and Lida E. Quillen, Editors
Jerome and the Seraph by Robina Williams
Literary Sampler by Mayra Calvani, Aaron Paul Lazar and Anne K. Edwards
Mazurka by Aaron Paul Lazar
Monkey Trap by Lee Denning
No Place for Gods by Gerald Mills
Striking Back from Down Under by Dr. Bob Rich
The Case of the Displaced Detective: The Arrival by Stephanie Osborn
Touch of Fate by Christine Amsden
Who is Margaret? What is She? and Other Stories by Celia A. Leaman